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Thursday 19 May 2011

Androids tablets will usurp iPad, says NVIDIA chief

Android tablets will outsell the iPad in three years time, the head of Nvidia forecasts, despite rumours that current-gen slates running Google’s OS have failed to set the world alight.

Jen-Hsun Huang, co-founder and chief executive of Nvidia, predicted an Android tablet takeover by 2014 in an address at tech talking shop hosted by sober suited business types at Reuters.

He said: "The Android phone took only two and a half years to achieve the momentum that we're talking about. I would expect the same thing on Honeycomb tablets.”

Huang’s bullish forecast comes amid reports in April claiming that demand for the Motorola Xoom – the first tablet powered by the much vaunted tablet optimised Honeycomb version of Android – could be as low as 25,000.

Factors thought to be harming Android tablets’ chances in the nascent slate space are the relative paucity of specially created apps compared with the iPad and unrealistically high price points.

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