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Wednesday 8 June 2011

Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 comes to the office, makes calls

The Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 has just arrived in our office and, boy, do we have some news for you. It turns out that the Honeycomb slate takes on from where its 7” predecessor left off, and brings native telephony capabilities to an even larger form factor.

Yeap, we are talking regular GSM network phone calls and even some video-calls if you wish. There’s no dialer on board, but you can either get a 3rd party app from the market (as we did), or use your contacts list for initiating calls.

Much like with the 7” Galaxy Tab, you can either use the built-in microphone and speakerphones, a handsfree plugged into the 3.5mm audio jack, or a Bluetooth handsfree for calling. Pretty cool, eh?

But of course telephony is not why people would go for the Galaxy Tab 8.9. The reason why people would probably choose the ultra-slim tablet is the great mix of portability and functionality that it offers. Despite being as powerful as its larger competitors, the Galaxy Tab 8.9 comes in a shell that’s way more portable and easier to handle (due to the reduced weight and unbelievably slim waistline).
Anyway we shouldn’t be getting ahead of ourselves here. We’ll see if the Galaxy Tab 8.9 will manage to live up to the high expectations when the review is created

Apple confirms iOS 5 & iCloud for June 6th, no iPhone 5?

The new iteration of Apple’s iPhone and iPad operating system and its much talked-about cloud services offering will be officially unveiled to the world next month, the tech giant has revealed.

Seasoned Apple watchers will know that the company never ever gives advance notice of what its press events will bring the world. Typically all we're usually given to go on is a cryptic press invite, which may or may not contain clues about the products about to be showcased.

So it’s somewhat seismic that Apple has today issued a release telling us exactly what’s due on June 6th at the Worldwide Developers Conference and that Steve Jobs will be centre stage as compere.

Perhaps tellingly, however, there’s no mention of the iPhone 5, which is normally the star of Apple’s June beanos. That’s led to some to speculate that rumours of a delay were bang-on. Although for our money, it could just mean that Apple may just be keeping schtumm to at least retain a smidgeon of its mystique and stoke further speculation about the phone over the next week.

Details of what iCloud offers remain very thin on the ground right now. But according to Tech Crunch, its key features include an all-new, Android-style notification system and interactive widgets.

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